Pear Tomatoes in all it's natural glory is my entry to "Click-Au Naturel" which Jai and Bee of "Jugalbandi" blog are hosting this month. Thanks to you both and all the judges too!:)
First, let me say that it feels great to be back after 5 weeks' long hiatus. I still have lots of work to do, so I will be blogging and visiting you all just 3 days a week from now on (Mon., Wed., Fri.) and will be participating in very few events if I can, as there are so many events going on these days. Right now, I am glad I have managed to post these, my last minute entries! :)
Pear Tomatoes:
I grew few Pear Tomato plants last Summer, loved and enjoyed each and every fruit of these beautiful tomatoes.They were not only gorgeous to look at, very sweet and juicy to eat too, excellent to make Summer salads. Hopefully, they are few seeds still scattered in my garden patch waiting to sprout up for this Summer's bounty, keeping my fingers crossed! :)
Camera I used: Sony Cyber-Shot 8.1 Mega Pixels
Microwaved Orange Streusel cake is my entry to "Microwave Easy cooking", which is hosted by Srivalli of "Cooking 4 all seasons" with a theme of "cakes" this month. Thanks for hosting Sri!:)
I am giving you a fabulous tasting and a very fragrant Orange cake with Streusel topping, baked in a microwave!! Can you believe it? Of course, microwave cakes will never be as soft and fluffy as the oven baked cakes but look like quick breads, not bad at all for a cake made within 10 mins, instead of 1 1/2 hrs for a cake baked in the oven when the craving hits you!! :D
This recipe came from an old yellowing microwave cookbook I bought long time ago. Orange cake is really delcious and quick to make in 6-7 mins after the initial prep of the batter. It will taste like a quick bread but lot more delcious than a bread. Read the whole recipe before you start on the cake please, hope you try!:)
Microwave Orange Streusel cake:
A slice for you! :)
Step by step photos, click to enlarge: Bowl: Prepare the microwavable ceramic bowl about 8" in diameter. Spray no-stick oil or butter inside. Cut a round wax paper to fit into the bottom of the bowl inside and spray again on it to make the cake come out of the bowl easily after cooking.
For Streusel topping, you need:
1/4 cup plain flour,
1 tsp Cinnamon powder,
1 tbsp Unsweetened Cocoa pd,
(I used Ghirardelli Cocoa,Hershey Cocoa will do too)
1/4 cup chilled Butter,cut into pieces,
1/4 cup fine brown sugar,
Mix all these with your fingers until it has a texture like coarse bread crumbs,chill in the fridge until needed.
Or you can use the commercial chocolate frosting on top instead of Streusel for topping.
For Microwaving the cake, you need:
To cream:
1/4 cup Butter, softened,
2/3 cup fine textured white sugar,
1 large Egg.
Liquid mix:
5 tbsps Orange Juice,
6 tbsps whole/2%Milk or half and half,
1 tsp Orange flower essence,
1 tsp grated Orange rind or zest.
Dry mix:
1 1/2 cup Plain flour,
2 tsp Baking powder,
1/8 tsp salt.
How to:
1. Make Streusel topping first, chill it until needed.
2. In a stand mixer or processor, beat butter and sugar until creamy and fluffy on high speed. Stop and add 1 egg, beat gently until creamy.
3. Add liquid mix to it, mix on low speed. Add dry mix to it slowly until everything comes together to a thickish batter. Do not over mix.
4.Pour into the prepared bowl, tap the bottom of the pan gently on the counter top to make the top even and to take the bubbles out.
5. Cook it in the microwave for 3 mins. Take it out, sprinkle the Streusel topping, press it gently on top and microwave it again for 2 more mins.
6. Insert a wooden skewer or knitting needle in the middle to test the doneness. If it comes out somewhat clean, it's done. If very wet, microwave for just one more minute, but not more than that.
7. Take it out, loosen the sides with a knife, shake the bowl gently to loosen the bottom. Invert it on a plate very carefully as to not crush the Streusel (or try to take it out from the bottom i you can), invert again on a cooling rack to cool. Store in a air tight plastic bag or cake stand.
8. Serve a slice with cream if you like and dust with cocoa powder.
Note: Don't worry if you feel that it's still a little moist in the middle of the cake, it will cook as it cools. If you feel that it's not completely cooked, you can always microwave for 1/2 to 1 minute but DO NOT OVER COOK it or else it will be become dry and crumbly.
If that happens ie if it's very dry, prick the top with skewer, drizzle a tbsp of cream or Orange juice in the holes to make it moist again. Each Microwave differs in power, so use your judgment regarding the time for cooking after the first 5 minutes. Enjoy!:))
April 30, 2008
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Welcome back...
I love the dew-bathed pear tomatoes..haven't seen them earlier..
Aha, welcome back! Nice tomatoes. What were you up to, in the blogging break?
Asha, glad to see you back in action again...hope you had a refreshing break :-)
...the cake looks great, and so does your tomatoes :-)
Hi Asha..hope you enjoyed your break.
I should learn how to be energetic from you..Keep the Spirit Up..
It feels great to see u back in action Ashaji. Hope you have enjoied ur break! the pears look yummy and juicy. A cake in 10mins - for ppl like me who dont bake so much, it a keep-sake recipe. take care and hope to see you around soon!
Thanks girls, I am doing well considering the Spring allergy but life goes on!:))
Will post at FH later about my 5 week adventures! :D
Hi Asha,
Good to see u back.hope u enjoyed ur break.
The cake looks delicious.
AshaJi Great to see u come back.i like the dew in the tomatoes.The
cake too looks so moist
Hi Asha
Nice to see you...Hope you had a gr8 holiday .
Looks super pic...Cake looks lovely
Hello Shalini, Kamala and Mala, great to see you girls. What I have been up to? Check FH for details!:D
thanks, dear asha. welcome back.
Great to be back Jugs!:)
Hi Anjali,thanks. I got a allergy shot y'day, so I am good for this month!:D
Back with a bang!:D
Wow, nice pic, one of these days you are gonna win it for sure! :) I don't use the MW to bake, and am in awe of those who can, cake looks good!
Hello tbc, cooking one of your kootu today!:)
Hi Nams, this is my first MW cake! Even I was surprised how well it comes out, kids enjoyed it. Will be cooking from you too this week!:
hey Asha! you are back with a bang girl! missed you, and hope you are feeling better now:)
the cake looks awesome, and those pear tomatoes are definitely looking like pears:) hehehe
Asha, you are back!!!! I was so happy to see your comment today... Missed you! Hope you had a relaxing break... Love that picture of the pear tomatoes!
Beautiful tomatoes Asha. MW cake, is the fast track treat! I love the citrus flavor. Bookmarked ur recipe, wonderful start up!
Cake looks awesome asha, love your blog, you have wonderful bolg.
Mansi, Sig and Cham, great to see you again too. I made dishes from your blogs, check out at FH, thanks for those!:)
Cake looks gorgeous it especially the topping..will try it soon..Cute click too..
Gorgeous tomatoes!! Love that pic, Ashakka. Hope you had a wonderful break and thanks for the awesome cake, too! :)
Thanks Madhavi, DK, Kalai, feels good to be back. Enjoy the cake!:)
lovely photo of the pear tomatoes. the colors are brilliant.
Welcome back, lady....missed u....i've been checking ur blog regularly for updates....
Love the pic of those tomatoes....
Back?! Did you have a good break?
The dew drenched tomatoes looks abs beautiful.
And that cake....can't believe it came out of a MW.
wonderful click and yummy cake. You offered a feast both to the eyes and stomack. glad you're back.
Aren't we glad that you are back, Asha? Its never been the same without you, not seeing your name in any of the comment sections :)
Arundhati, Jaya, TC, Uma and Suganya, great to see you all and be back! I did use this break very constructively for once!:))
Gald to see you back Asha :) Those pear tomatoes are real beauties. Captured in their natural best.Thats a nice MW cake.Have not been able to make one in MW yet.
Beautiful click!!!
The cake loks so yum.. and well, not to sound *ahem*.. whatever, but the slice is small, i'd like some more, please!!!
wowow....thats one great looking cake....and those tomatoes are just tooo lovely!..
Nice pics for click... and that cake is so inviting. Even I sent 2 cakes to the event!! :-)
Hi Pravs, just made something from your blog, will post at FH next week. Thanks, I loved those tomatoes too!:)
HeHe!! I know what you mean, you sweet toothed devil! :D
Cake was good Manasi, hope you try.You can skip the Streusel and use icing too to top. Enjoy!:)
Thanks Sri, glad I could send you one at the last minute! Hope you try!:))
Hi Raaga, you did 2, I must check in tomorrow. It's so easy to in the MW, I couldn't believe it myself! Great for quick dessert too. Hugs to you, will see you tomorrow!:)
Good to see you!! Seems you had a great break! The cake looks good, haven't tried a micro cake.
Hi J, great to see you too. Yes, I have been busy during the break. Sumer will be here, getting ready to plant veggies!:)
Try the MW cake, it's yum.
Ashakka very nice nice entry for the event.How u doing?
Hi smn, good to see you. I am doing well, thanks.See you later!:) delicious!!!i tried my hand on microwave cakes but i dont get it right anytime...i never get the golden crust on top...urs have come out soo perfect!!lovely entry...
wow asha gr8 pics n gr8 cake..
Ranji, you never get golden top in the MW cakes. But this has Streusel topping with Cocoa pd,so you will get a crunchy and beautiful topping. Try it once, it's delcious. Look at the collage for how to do it in pics!:))
Hi shree, thanks girl. Hope you try this weekend!:))
Asha!, that's such a yummy looking cake !
Is it your birthday?
Say Asha, when does your birthday fall?
Hi Mona!:))
Why do you want to know this "old" woman's birthday, girl?! ;D
It's in February first week, that's all I am going to say. Hahaha! Enjoy your weekend.Hugs!:)
Wow, Pears tomatoes.. never seen them.. lovely pic !!
Loved ur cake recipe..
Can i make it eggless ??
Hey Asha, good to see your posts again..Hope you enjoyed ur break thoroughly..Just loved the pear tomatoes shot, and the cake I knw I will sure try soon..
Asha.......Missed you so much.Warm welcome.
Thanks Archy. Yes, you can replace each egg with 2 tbsp apple sauce. Cake won't be as soft without egg but not bad at all to eat.Try it!:))
Hi Maya, good to see you too. Yeah, I had fun, see my FH post!:))
Hello, Annu. I am really touched by so much affection you all show me girl, thank you. Glad to be back and blogging. Enjoy your weekend! :)
Beautiful picture Asha! Love the pear tomatoes.
The cake looks delicious.
Thanks girl, hope you try the cake!:)
Hi Asha, I tried the cake and it came out real good. Thanx for sharing a wonderful recipe. I was so happy to make it in such short time..Thanx to you :)
You did already?! YAY! It is yummy, isn't it? Not as great as oven cake but not bad for a 6 mins cake. Hope it was moist, enjoy and thanks for trying!:))
OMG! That cakes luks out of this world..Hard to believe that it is made from m/w. in 10min? Thats sounds mind boggling! Luv ur photo for au naturel..I am soooooo J of ur garden! I would luv to have a garden of my own someday ..hopefully it will come true..planning to start with small potted plants in the patio..want to start with share some tips for a complete newbie for potted plans asha when u get time.
Meanwhile, for the contest, you are not supposed to click boxes. You are supposed to select one and send the box of ur choice to Siri.
Suppose u want Box 2, send a PM (private message) located in her profile (when u click her name) and type Box 2 in the message. She will mail u back with the riddle of that secret ingredient hidden in that box. U have to solve it and reply to her mail with ur answer :)
Rest of it will be explained by her :) hope u like the riddles from yours truly ;-) U can always e-mail me if u feel like scolding me making such riddles! hehehe
Hi DK, after I left a comment, I went there and read Siri's reply and chose one and e mailed her! Phew!:D
I don't know if I get time to do all that riddling, but I will try!:)
I just fill Miracle Grow soil and plant seeds or plants in the pots, that's about it. No more than that is needed. For curry leaves plant, we bought a special kind of soil called Bacto and keep the pot indoors.
Asha, I've not seen pear tomatoes. I think it'll not be available in the market. That looks delicious. Have u posted ur red entry to jai and bee?
I too love the picture of the pear shaped tomatoes.
Rajee, very rare to get these Pear tomatoes in the market. I bought a plant 2 yrs ago and every year, they come themselves! :)
No, my camera is so old, can't get good enough photo for CLICK, so I am not even trying to send one for Bee! :D
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