June 10, 2007


Tex-Mex Corn Bread is my contribution to Sara's "Weekend cookbook challenge #17 ". This event is hosted by Ani from "Food chickie" blog this month with a theme to cook with "Cornmeal".Thanks for hosting Ani!:)

A page out of my cookbook:

I chose to bake my Tex-Mex Corn bread recipe from "Ultimate Bread" book written by Eric Treuille and Ursula Ferrigno.I found and bought this wonderful bread making book in my local library in a discarded pile with a 'withdrawn' stamp! Of course,I was deliriously happy to find this precious book.It has basic bread recipes explained in detail with fabulous pictures and they make it so simple to bake a complicated breads.Well...check out this book if you can and enjoy as much as I do.

Tex-Mex corn bread with a bowl of spicy chili!

A wonderful, light and crunchy Corn bread, a classic Mexican bread makes a great accompaniment for a spicy bowl of chili.It is usually made with a cast iron pan and sometimes with a Corn design as well! I used a heavy bottomed wider round pan.Since I baked in a slightly bigger pan than recommenced pan,the bread came out little less puffed than in the photo up there.It has a Tex-Mex variation to the regular Corn Bread,which I chose to do.It tasted great with a crunchy bottom and soft inside,just out of this World with a bowl of Chili!

This is how I baked Corn bread:

You need:
1 cup fine yellow Cornmeal,1 cup plain flour, 2 tsp baking pd, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1 tbsp sugar, 1/2 tsp salt, 2 tbsp melted butter, 2 Eggs beaten,2/3 cup Buttermilk, 2/3 cup milk,2 minced Jalepenos or 1 tsp red chilli flakes,1/2 cup shredded Cheddar Cheese,1/4 tsp dried Oregano.
A 9" wide and 2" deep round or square pan (Cast iron or non-stick) lightly sprayed with no- stick oil.

Spray the pan, put it in the oven and preheat the oven to 425F. Meanwhile, mix all the dry ingredients in a big bowl and whisk well.In another bowl, beat 2 eggs,add in melted butter,buttermilk and milk.Make a well in the dry flour mix,add all the liquid and fold in gently with a spatula until mixed.Too much mixing will result in a dense bread!

Take out the sizzling pan out of the oven carefully,pour the batter inti it and return to the oven.Bake for 20-25mins or until it leaves the side and center is baked fully when tasted with a wooden skewer.Take it out,invert on a rack and cool.Cut into squares or wedges.Store in a zip-lock bag and re-heat when needed.

Another look:

Serve warm with butter as a snack or serve with a spicy bowl of Chili for a hearty meal.Enjoy!:))


Roopa said...

the corn bread looks wonderfull. so lot of baking going on right!hope you had a great weekend :)

Anh said...

I have one book by Ursula Ferrigno and I totally love it. :D

I love this bread Asha. Will make it to accompany my soup this week. Thanks for sharing. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Asha, your corn bread looks yummy. I never could make a good one -- maybe the tip about overmixing was meant for me ;)
Will try this way next time.

Have a great rest of the weekend! :)

Suganya said...

O o this is YUM!.....I love corn bread a lot....The colour of ur chili is dazzling....love it..

Coffee said...

hey, I have the same book!!!!! And I love the bread recipes from there!!!! The best this I like about it is the simplicity of the entire recipe because of the gorgeous steps!! :)

The spicy chilli dip looks great too!!!

Lovely pic. :)

Pavani said...

That corn bread looks yummy. I have never tried making corn bread and always thought they were on the dry side (not sure why??). But your recipe looks pretty simple, will definitely try it out soon.

Viji said...

Beautiful Asha. With the hot chili sauce. Viji

Suganya said...

That is one awesome combination!

FH said...

Hi Roopa.YUP! Weekend was busy and today even busier,3 appointments to keep!Thanks.Corn bread is easy.You can make spicy too,great with any soup!:)

You are welcome Anh!:)
I LOVE that book.So detailed and every bread in there is delicious.Enjoy the Corn bread.

Thank you Sukanya.I already posted Chili recipe,so didn't post again.Both are easy to make,can add anything you like.Try:)

FH said...

Hi Linda.You are right.Got to be gentle just until they are mixed!It's ok if it has lumps and clumps.Try again,it's worth the effort!:)
Weekend was ok but today is a busy day:))

Coffee,I love that book too.I am trying bake one by one.Got to try Naan there which almost looks like bread than Indian Naan!:)
Enjoy the Chili.I have linked it.I added some Small kidney beans this time.

FH said...

Pavani,they are always on the dry side a bit,because we don't add that much of butter like other breads.But try this recipe,add a little more liquid if you want it soft and moist.Enjoy:)

Hi Viji.Thanks,glad you liked it.Chili is not chilli sauce but a spicy Chili Con Corne,a kind of soup with beans and Jalapenos.Click on the link and get the recipe for it.Enjoy:))

Thank you Suganya.A very traditional combination indeed.Try.
Are you almost ready to fly? Bet you are buying lots of presents!:)

Aruna said...

Asha, Corn bread looks very very yummmy!!!!! Bet that combo was delcious :)

FH said...

It's a perfect combo Aruna!:))
Spicy with relatively bland corn bread.Gorgeous.Try them.

Sharmi said...

I was also thing a lot about making some dishes with corn meal lately. the bread had come out so well. and is very healthy right?

Richa said...

wow! the tex mex corn bread & spicy chili make such a fantastic combo! love the corn bread. you have such a collection of cookbooks, i've a few & love reading them so very often, almost like a storybook.

FH said...

Hi Sharmi,all kinds of grains are healthy if you use the other ingredients in moderation.This bread is perfect for soups.You can make it spicier and eat it with just little butter for breakfast.YUM!:))

Me too Richa! It's such a great 'time pass' thing to do on a boring day to read cookbooks!;D
I just got back home from the Library ,got Nigella Bites and Jamie Oliver's cookbooks,can't wait to read them.
Enjoy the dishes:))

deena said...

Hi Asha ..that bread looks quite fluffy..even i bked a plain bread sometime back..its great satisfaction i feel to see the dough rise actually..!

FH said...

You are right Deena.I keep the pilot light on to watch the bread rise while it's baking!:))
Enjoy it.

Lakshmi said...

Hi Asha,
Thanks for dropping by my blog. Your Corn bread looks Awesome. Nice Recipe. Will try this some time.

Kajal said...

Perfect entry from perfect girl. It looks very delicious.........i think you are great cook..........i never cook like you asha. Your every dish is delicious with something new idea.
Thanks for sharing.
Good day.:)

Seena said...

Its great to see with another blog!really appreciate your efforts to try out the delicious dishes..
corn bread looks wonderful..

FH said...

Hi L! Good to see another Kannadiga dropping by,I rushed to your blog as soon as I heard about you!:))
Thanks.Hope you try corn bread.My main blog is Foodies Hope,check it out when you have time.(you need time ,believe me!;D)

Thank you Kajal.I think you are a great cook.I have many years of experience and US born kids to experiment with other cuisine,that's all:)
You will get there,enjoy.

Hi Seena,thanks!:))
I created this blog just to enter the events so I don't clog up FH too with all these.I appreciate your comment.Try the bread with soup.It's great.

USHA said...

Hi Ashaji,

Corn bread looks great.Does this bread goes well with Chili?

FH said...

Hi Usha,yes it does taste fabulous with chili as you can see in the photo.Sprinkle some Cheddar cheese on chili,it gets even better:))

krystyna said...

Hi Asha!
I like good bread. This corn bread looks so yummy and easy to make.
It is not easy to buy good bread so your recipe is very helpful.
I like bread with butter (+ any vegetable- anions, tomato, etc..) and with soup.
Thanks a lot.

Have a successful time!

Suma Gandlur said...

Wonderful entry. Loved the pictures.

FH said...

Thanks Suma.We enjoyed it too!:))

Sig said...

You love mexican food, don't you Asha? :).... Me too... Cornbread is my fav, especially from restaurants where they serve it hot from the oven... I haven't had it with jalapenos and chillies mixed in though...it sounds and looks delicious!

FH said...

Hi Sig,good to see you!:))
Tex-Mex anything always come with Jalapeños and spices,that's why I love Tex-Mex cuisine!Enjoy:D
Check out FH, Maharashtrian cuisine!!:))

Ramya's Mane Adige said...

oh wow!! this one looks so good!!! Thanx for the recipe Asha! :)

FH said...

You are welcome Ramya.Try it:)
Don't forget to check out RCI at FH!